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Below are the Vietnamese Standards in the design, testing and installation of solar power systems
1. NATIONAL STANDARDS TCVN 11855-1:2017 IEC 62446-1:2016 about Photovoltaic (PV) Systems – Test, Documentation and Maintenance Requirements
- This standard describes the acceptance tests, test criteria and intended documentation to verify that the system is safely installed and operating properly.
- This standard is intended for grid connected PV systems that do not use energy storage (e.g. batteries) or hybrid systems.
- This standard is used by designers and installers of grid-tied solar PV systems as a model for providing effective documentation to customers. By detailing the intended acceptance tests and test criteria, this standard also aids in the validation/testing of grid connected PV systems after installation and for re-inspection, maintenance or improvement create later
- This standard specifies the different test regimes expected for different types of solar PV systems to ensure that the test regimen applied is appropriate for the size, type and complexity of the system is considered.
2. NATIONAL STANDARDS TCVN 10896:2015 IEC 61646:2008 about Ground Thin Film Photovoltaic (PV) Modules – Design Quality and Approval
- This standard specifies design quality and type approval requirements for thin film photovoltaic modules for terrestrial applications suitable for long-term operation in outdoor climates.
- This standard is applicable to all flat plate module materials for terrestrial applications that are not covered by IEC 61215.
- The test sequence is derived from IEC 61215 for the design quality and type approval of terrestrial silicon crystalline photovoltaic modules.
- This standard does not apply to modules for use with converging units.
- The purpose of this test sequence is to determine the electrical and thermal characteristics of the module to the greatest extent possible within reasonable constraints of cost and time, demonstrating that the module is capable of sustained exposure to the climates described in the scope of application.
3. VIETNAM STANDARD TCVN 7447-7-712:2015 IEC 60364-7-712:2002 on Requirements for photovoltaic power systems using solar energy
- This standard deals with electrical installations of PV power systems including systems with alternating current (AC) modules.
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